Koiran Riekonhovin Full Of Faith sukutaulu
Glenhouse's Sanghai Soul punainen valkoisin ja tan -merkein A/A 0/0 |
Hazelmoor Kilkenny Kidd |
Captain Kidd of Imagineer |
Imagineer's Dreamcatcher |
Katzenjammer Kid Of Imagineer |
Hazelmoor Hazy Hilda |
Bayshore Propwash Americana |
MontRose Tawny Daylily |
Glenhouse's Juicy Fruit |
Tres Colores Sonriendo |
Gefion's Khount Down |
Propwash Manape Crack O'Dawn |
SenTikki Arabesque |
Lineriders Rikki-Tikki-Tavi |
Propwash Catera |
Riekonhovin Magical Moment blue merle valkoisin ja tan -merkein A/A 0/0 |
Tres Colores Glamourita |
Legacy's Dusk To Dawn |
MontRose Blue Embers |
Tres Colores Glamourita |
Propwash Sealevel Finn Spirit |
Tres Colores Cassandra |
Propwash Web Sweeper |
Propwash Manape Crack O'Dawn |